Sunday, December 11, 2011

Display of True Faith

First off- I've always had a problem with people posting these statuses that are all about "Oh, post this status again to show _____ or else you'll go to hell" OK yeah, the "go to hell" part isn't there all the time, but it's implied. Is reposting something the ONLY way to show _____? The answer is a resounding no. It doesn't need to be Facebook official to say you're _____ or you support _____ or you're against _____.
Now let the ripping begin!! Now Jesus' true birthday has already been known to NOT be the 25th, but it was put there by the early church fathers because 12-25 used to be a pagan holiday. I think Jesus was actually born sometime in January, not personally totally sure though. Also, if they have true faith, why do they also believe in Santa? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get the premise of the whole thing, but it's kinda contradictory. Is posting Repost Me statuses the only way to show you have true faith? Hell no! As far as I see it, it takes more balls to actually show and admit your faith in real life as opposed to sitting behind a computer screen, where there can be hundreds of Justyn _______s or Esther ______s. I know for a fact that there's at least one more Joseph Organtini! Now, I'm a Christian and by far NOT afraid to say it, but is not reposting something totally denying that I believe in God?! Again, a resounding hell no!
And now it's time for the Grammar Nazi side of me to come out! The last paragraph is rather confusing. When it goes to "-Dec. 25 is for Jesus, not for Santa..." It should be a new paragraph. Seriously, it changes from Jesus saying it to whomever wrote it. And after that "P.S. He Knows You Looked..." it once again gets confusing, because now it seems to have gone from Mr. Random to Jesus again.
Don't be hatin' on the fact that it came up a rainbow color scheme. It was just the order Paint has the different colors, and I felt it was boring to have everyone the same color.
Dang this was a long post!

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