Friday, October 28, 2011

Stereotypical Intro

Ever just wanna rip someone a new one over a Facebook status, but know you shouldn't? Yerp, that's me a heck of a lot of the time. I have something typed, and just when I wanna publish it, I know I shouldn't. (Holy crap!! I'm a ginger that shows signs of possibly having a scrap of a soul!!) Well, now Imma let the interwebz hear what I have ta think about what other people say!! Even though I don't wanna sometimes, I guess I'll be nice and not give out identities.

Well, first status!!
OK, could you have made it any sappier without simply posting a picture of maple syrup? Seriously, not even foot fungus is this gross! Yeah, I know you're in love, and you want to comfort her, but REALLY?!?! This is just so barf-worthy it's sickening.

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